10 Unleashed : A blind man lives his dream, by driving the all-new 2010 Ford Mustang Convertible -- UPDATE: Chapter 2 and Chapter 3
With the launch of the all-new 2010 Mustang, Ford has celebrated 45 years of creating the 'Stang. Ford has also launched "The '10 Unleashed". Ford's The '10 Unleashed is a new series of video diaries chronicling the ultimate Mustang dream, which will give ten Mustang lovers the opportunity to live out their dream experiences, by driving the 2010 Mustang and sharing their unique stories. Ford announced that every few weeks, they'll pick a winner based on the 250 word essay, and will present an episode of The '10 Unleashed. This week's winner goes by the name, Roger Kenny. Kenny has been since 1990 and hasn’t driven a vehicle in nearly two decades. Because Kenny still has the passion of driving, he entered the contest with his special story. He eventually received a phone call from Ford asking him to come down to their proving ground in Phoenix, AZ to live his dream of driving a brand new 2010 Ford Mustang GT Convertible, in blue. We were invited to check out the web premier of this episode of The '10 Unleashed, and we have to say, we like it a lot. Kenny is a special person, that despite his eye disabilities, he still loves driving, specially burning tires. Check out this episode of The '10 Unleashed -- Mustang, Point Of View -- in the embedded video below provided by Ford. There's still 8 episodes left in The '10 Unleashed, and the competition is still running. So, if you think you have a special story, and a unique dream experience, head over at https://www.the2010mustang.com/, and submit your 250 word essay to enter the contest. Finally, we would like to thank M80 for Social Media Marketing & Online Publicity, for inviting us to check out Kenny's P.O.V episode.
UPDATE: The first video above is just Chapter 1 of the Mustang P.O.V. Now, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 have been released (thanks to M80 for inviting us again). While Chapter 1 was presenting Roger Kenny and his love for driving despite his eye disability, Chapter 2 actually shows Kenny driving the 2010 Mustang, and burning lots of rubber! Chapter 3 shows the people of Arizona Center Of The Blind also driving the 2010 Mustang, and sharing their experience.
Please enjoy Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, in the two embedded videos below.
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